Thursday 19 September 2013


We watched the open scene to marine and discussed the different techniques used.
The scene starts with a close up of her bag, this may show that the bag is special or comes into the story at some point (which we learn it does in the next scene ), The first scene does not not cut at all and it just one continues shot, the camera zooms out and shows us the women is at a train station, but there is no one else here and we establish that this must be early in the morning. We never see the face of the women but we can tell by her cloths and the way she has her hair that she looks upper-class.
At the end of the scene the women at the station steps over the line at the station, this may be forsshading that in the story she has crossed the line. It then suddenly cuts to the next scene and a close up of a man shouting robbed, this could link to the women  in the previous scene.

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