Monday, 21 October 2013

Music video

In class we had to watch 2 music videos and analysis them.
The first music video i did was a song called This is gospel by a band called Panic At The Disco. The genre of music is Alternate

Genre Characteristics
The genre of the music is alternate. Alternate is a unice type of music so the video follwers this as it is unconvenentnal.

What is the relationship between lryics and visuals?
There is a line of the song which goes "If you love me let me go" as soon as he says this the doctors pull him down on the bed and he is trying to get away but they wont let him go.

What is the relationship betweenm music and visuals?
The starts of the video is slow cuts and most still camera shots, but as soon as the chourus begins and the music gets louder and heavier the cuts are much faster and there is more going on in the scene

There are a lot of star image motifs as there is alot of close ups showing the singing very clearly.

The video is Performace based as you see the singer perform but it is aslo concept based.

The second video i did was the song Hurt by Johnn Cash, The genre of music is Country

The genre charcteristics are you see alot of close ups of his acoustic guitar which is a big insturment in the country music genre. Also in the background of the scene you see alot of objects that are linked with country music.

There isnt really any relationship between lyrics and visuals

The relationship with music and visuals is that as soon as the last chourus of the songs begins there are very quick cuts

Their are many close ups of Johnny

It is performance based and you see him singing the song but it is also conecpt based and the video shows lots of diffrent clips of his carear.

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