Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Research types

Criteria 1 - Understand the nature and purpose of Research Techniques

Types of research;

  • Books - secondary
  • Internet - secondary
  • Surveys - primary
  • Interviews - primary
  • Professional talks - primary
  • Films/TV Shows - secondary
  • Statistics - secondary (sometimes primary)
  • Questionnaires - primary 
  • Newspapers - secondary
  • Focus groups - primary
  • Journals - secondary
  • Undercover/Covert observations primary/secondary 

Quantitive research
Quantitive research is mainly statistics for example program ratings, hits on a website and box office figures ect..

Qualitative research
Qualitative research is stuff like game reviews, movie reviews, response to news coverage. So it is stuff thats for article based.  

What information might a researcher need?

A researcher will need primary and secondary research so they can conduct their news report in a way wherein they take in both sides of an opinion and so that the story is unbiased. They will need facts and figures so that the argument/story has enough substance to it so it seems believable and so you invest in it. For our video inserts we need evidence to show that the train prices have gone up, we will do this by charts and statistics. To get qualitative research we will interview the general public so we can get their opinions on the view. 

Why might they conduct research?
Researchers conduct research so they get all the information possible to make the news story interesting, they also need to do research to make sure they get correct information and not false information

What would a research need to consider?
Because this news story is about the train prices that have risen it is probably going to be quite biased because no one is going to be happy about the increase so therefore we will try and talk to a Greater Anglia representative so that we can keep the story unbiased  or we will get a statement. If not possible we will mention that they refused to talk.

The Rise in Train Prices - Video Insert

Primary research

Primary research is research you go out and do yourself, so stuff like interviews and questions you ask people. For out VT we will hopefully get permission to film inside the train station so we can ask regular commutes on the train what they feel about the prices going up, we will also hopefully interview students to see how it affects them. If we don't get permission to film inside the station then we will film people coming out the station and hopefully conduct interviews outside the station

Secondary research

Secondary research is research that someone else has already done, this could be stuff like newspapers, Books and the internet. For our VT we will be reaserching on the internet to see how much the trains have gone up by and see if there is a reason that the prices are rising.

An average 2.8% increase in rail fares comes into effect on Thursday the 2nd of January, pushing the cost of some commuter travel to more than £5,000 a year. The increase is the smallest rise in four years, according to the pan-industry Rail Delivery Group. Many questions are raised about the constant rise.

The purpose of research is to give the audience real and reliable information, there are percific people who are dedicated to do the research for a news show, they work around the clock to get information, they also work with other channels such as BBC and ITV and share information on news stories with each other 

Audience research
audience research is research that is aimed at your target audience, our news show is aimed at 16 - 20 years olds so many will be students, so we have chosen to do a story about the train fairs going up as this affects many students as for many of them the train is a daily travel to get to college, school ect.. 

Market research

The rise in commuters train fares has heavily impacted news corporations such as the BBC. Although the rise in train fare is a yearly thing, it still makes the front head line. The train prices always cause controversy towards the end and the start of the new year. However not many news companies have revisited the rise in train fares, asking the members of the public how the rise in train fare has effected them a month later. 

Although many news articles have touched on where the money goes , and how it is spent.
We similarly will be trying to work out, where all the money goes, and how there using the fare increase to make the train service better. Although we will not be looking at all the different train companies, but will be focusing on one train line, near to the London area. 

On the other hand BBC news worked out the price of different train companies to and from London, Working out how much it will cost a year for the average working class to travel. Sadly we have not worked out the prince in which it takes to travel to London from other train companies, even though our News show is for the whole of the UK. This would have been a good idea to put into our VT and to show, as it allows our audience to compeer there train company pre ices with other train company prices. 

Production research
Below is the floor plan for a news studio where the programming will take place. The show will begin with the presenter in the vision mixing room where he will introduce the show and tell the audience the headlines, while he is talking he will slowly walk out while the camera moves back and follows him, then it will cut to the title intro which will last about 15 seconds to give the presenter time to get to the desk,. Then we will have 2 cameras facing the desk on the reporter. We then will have another presenter next to a tv screen where we will show different VT's and pictures on a tv screen,we will have one camera on him. -
Our production won't cost us to make as all the equipment is being supplied to us by the college. 
We are sticking white paper to the wall to give it more colour so we don't just use the black curtain. 

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