Thursday, 27 February 2014

questions about my character - Pats Lesson

1. What does your character want. = My character wants drugs as he is addicted to cocaine and has been from a early age.

2.  What obstacles must they overcome to get what they want ? = He must overcome tough decision like murder and crime to get what he wants.

3. In the End, Do they get it ? Was getting/not getting it good or bad for them= In the end he got what he wanted which was a good thing because he got arrested and sent to prison for it and when he came out he was a changed man.

4. Why do we care? What makes your story so damm interesting that people would be willing to give up two hours of their life on it? i think people would care because on one hand you feel sorry for the character because of his bad up bring and emotional childhood but at the same time you don't because what he has become is horrible.

5. What does the character need? I think my character needs a father figure in his life as his father left at a young age.

6. Why is the story happening now? Why is the character this particular age

7. What is your characters worst nightmare. = His worst nightmare is running out of booze and drugs as this is the only thing that blocks out the bad memories of his life.

8.What is your main character willing to die for = At the start of the movie he would not be willing to die for anyone or anything but when it comes to the end he would be willing to die for his friends that have helped him get to where he is now. 

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