Thursday 24 October 2013

Final Cut Quiz

1. What are 3 ways you can open final cut pro ?

  • Double click it in the dock
  • Finder - Final Cut pro
  • Desktop 
2. What four keys are often use with keyboard short cuts to get functions or commands ?

  • ctrl
  • cmd
  • shift
  • Option 
3. How do you access a short cut menu ?
    Right click

4. What main menu can you find the import command?

5. Three ways to open a clip in the viewer ?
    Double click it
    Drag it in
    Right click - open in viewer

6. Besides the play button what other keys can you press to play the video ?
   The space bar

7. Which keys move the playhead forward or backwards in one frame ?
     Arrow keys

8.How do you mark a in point or a outpoint on a clip  ?
   Using the I or O keys

9. What button in the canvas do you click to edit a clip ?
    The red overwrite button

10. Whats visuel indicator in the viewer lets you now your  first or last frame in the clip?
      Film strip appears on the left side of the viewer

11. When viewing the audio portion of a clip ?
     A waveform display

12. Three ways to create a bin ?

  • cmd B 
  • File, new bin
  • ctrl click
13. What are the keyboard shortcuts to save, hide and quit final cut pro
      cmd s
      cmd h
      cmd q

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