Thursday, 24 April 2014

Diary Entries

24th of April 2014
Diary Entry One

During our lesson with pat today we got into pairs and discussed out ideas and where we are at with our short films. I went with Sam and i told him my idea for my 10 minute film. My idea is about 2 boys who are going on a mountain bike trip into the woods, during their trip they got stalked by a masked boy, through flashbacks it is understood that this boy got bullied by the other 2 boys. I am still working on my ending and I'm not sure who is going to live and who is going to die at this moment in time.  Im going to film each scenes on different day so i can concentrate on a certain scene on a certain day.

1st of May 2014

Over the past week i have filmed some of the flashbacks that will be in my single camera drama, i have also started editing these together at home on final cut pro x. I have also started on some of my pre production work, I have started my recce checklist and finished my proposal and treatment for my single camera drama. 

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